Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers

Frozen meals. Not that good...usually. Sometimes, however, there's a glimmer of hope. Exhibit A: Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers.

Healthy Choice, well a bit more costly than other brands, does a much better job of providing a meal that actually tastes like its ingredients. There is also meat present in these meals. Real pieces of meat, not just bits of unidentifiable meat look-alike pieces. Also, the two bowl steaming technology works really well.

Word of Warning: Because college microwaves typically have lower wattages than what frozen meals are allotted for, add some time to the time on the box.


  1. I used to take the non-frozen ones to student teaching. It was a little strange that some of them had meat and didn't require refrigerating tho..but hey I'm still alive so cleary there's nothing to worry about.

  2. A lot of packaging, but s good quick meal. Healthy and tasty for sure.
